Friday, 1 March 2013


            Behind domestic violence - Empathetic solutions needed   The topic given by is definitely pertinent .It aims at empathetic solutions .Surely , empathy and not sympathy is the clarion call The journey on the pathway of every solution begins with the first step of identifying the problem. After Diagnosis , comes the phase of treatment leading to Cure . Yes,to identify and accept Domestic violence as not just a petty problem or a personal affair BUT to see this heinous crime as a big social evil is indeed the first step of finding an effective and empathetic  solution in this direction. This evil is a multi headed monster.Domestic violence surely has many faces-It can be in the form of  physical abuse or the underrated and much less discussed mental and verbal abuse. Verbal abuse may sound trivial but lets not underestimate the power of words.Here I'm not referring to the everyday household little fights we have.Arguments and tiffs are part of life.I'm talking about the constant  & incessant one sided verbal abuse leading to mental torture of the person receiving it. Research has shown that constant stress and anxiety leads to many physical ailments. A friend of mine narrated me something that left me totally flabbergasted .I would like to share it with you.He told me about a well reputed family in his neighbourhood ,very much involved in religious & charity relating works. They were known to be friendly and loving people-devoting a lot of time in religious endeavors . One day, when all the family members had gone out for shopping,people around their house heard sounds of door banging and faint cries of a lady.The neighbors were taken aback. Later,it was found that the so called sweet family always had their hale &hearty elderly mother locked in a room.They never let her step out of the four walls,not even to the lawn area of their big bungalow.One day the mother somehow managed to reach the driveway of the house. Oh!how she was pushed inside and verbally abused by all the family members including the grand children. Is this the culture we are so proud of ? This is not an isolated case. It is happening in many so called sweet and loving families. Why old age homes are a big no-no. Do we really honour and respect our elders or are a step ahead of other people by pretending to be the so called aagyakaari children in front of our friends and neighbourhood . Their is budget allocation for defence.Education cess , Income tax to be given . Then why not give out some amount for the elderly. I think that there should be a scheme for the elderly - making well equipped and age friendly campuses with the state-of-the art medical facilities.And why not call them Vacation Homes .Afterall , everyone deserve a vacation after a long day's work. Isn't it ? How can we plan for our bright future if we black out those who gave us ,you know what-your mother gave you-' YOU'. I think you got the point. Children are the reflections of their parents.They follow what they see . Respect for elders and especially the elderly should be an integral part of their lives.This sounds cliched but this surely is a must in becoming good individuals. This in turn would help them in becoming understanding and sensitive spouses ,thus refraining from domestic violence .   The topic given by is definitely pertinent .It aims at empathetic solutions .Surely , empathy and not sympathy is the clarion call !

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